A conscious culture - it is an organization’s destiny!

A positive and healthy conscious culture is no longer a “nice-to-have” – it is a necessity and an organization’s destiny. It is essential to sustainable, remarkable and uncommon business success.

A positive and healthy conscious culture is no longer a “nice-to-have” – it is a necessity and an organization’s destiny. It is essential to sustainable, remarkable and uncommon business success.

Why culture matters . . .



Employee turnover at an organization with rich and engaging company culture is less than 14%, whereas the probability for turnover within poor company cultures is nearly 50% percent according to a Columbia University study.



Employee engagement cultivated by a healthy company culture correlates to 30% greater customer satisfaction and passion for a brand than those with lower employee engagement according a Queen’s University study.


$550 Billion

Only one-third of employees are engaged at work in the US and disengaged employees are estimated to cost the country up to $550 billion each year according to Gallup. Conversely, companies with highly engaged employees experience a productivity increase of 20% and 21% increase in profitability.



Employees disengaged due to poor corporate cultures produce 28% less revenue. Additionally, engaged employees are more likely to solve difficult problems creating greater financial efficiencies according to a New Century Financial study.

The One Thing in Common

No matter what season your business may be in – from startup to restart to emerging to transitioning to growing to maturing – one thing is common: the requirement to cultivate a positive and living conscious culture. And, it is achieved through the continuous practice of thinking, acting and connecting.


Define in words (THINK) your corporate culture

The most simple and fundamental definition of think in the context of Conscious Culture is how an organization’s corporate culture is codified, expressed in written words.


Behaviors (ACT) to physically express your culture thinking

The most simple and fundamental definition of think in the context of Conscious Culture is how an organization’s corporate culture is codified, expressed in written words.


Manifest (CONNECT) your corporate culture with customers and community

The most simple and fundamental definition of think in the context of Conscious Culture is how an organization’s corporate culture is codified, expressed in written words.

With all of this in mind

There is an alchemy, a transformation, that can no longer be ignored or denied. It is a conscious movement of consumers and communities demanding businesses, business leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators to think and act beyond a “traditional” business mindset of profits above all else. Simply having a “great” product is no longer enough to achieve and sustain success. Positively impacting the lives and professions of employees and connecting genuinely within communities is an expectation. These are significant drivers to customer connection and loyalty. This does not happen by chance or luck, it is the disciplined commitment and determination of thinking, acting and connecting to cultivate and nurture an intentionally conscious culture. We welcome you to the process of evolving the course of your business success and inspiring remarkable results in a conscious, positive and impactful way. We are excited about learning more and potentially embarking on this journey with you.

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